Wednesday, July 18, 2012

SnowflakeDemon, Giver of Membership

Yes. I am officially the Giver of Memberships.

I have given membership to 2 people! I only managed to get a picture of the nicest one, here she is:

Heheh, if you don't believe me, ask her when she's on! Ask her if SnowflakeDemon gave her a membership, and i'm absolutely certain she'll say yes!
If you want a membership, leave it in the comments! I'll see what I can do!


  1. Hi! it's me, jayTheLoner! Yes, I was so excited when I saw this blog!!! Well my membership expired, but i'm still happy as can be. I remember the fashion show we had, to see who would win the membership, and I couldn't believe i had won. Err, lol... I did trade my fox hat, (not a very good plan) and my black glove. In the process i managed to get myself a headdress and other neat member rares. I plan on not trading any of my member stuff, so when it becomes hard to find, i'll be one of the only people to have it. XD So, i'm touched to hear i was the nicest person... But you're the nicest person i've ever met on animal jam. Maybe our animals will meet again on animal jam one day. :D

    1. Whoa, that's so awesome! Thanks so much. <3 Also, I have a question. How exactly did you find my blog? It will help make the views go up.


    2. Haha, Well, I was searching My user on the internet (because i'm that weird X3) and i saw it in one of the descriptions so i clicked it and found this! :D! I'm happy to hear back form you, too. :P


Don't spam, and don't cuss too much. As for kindness...

"Be nice, remember everyone is fighting a harder battle inside."