
I'm making the effort to be not the most efficient AJ blogger, not the most informative, especially not the most laid back, but the one with the most personality.

Therefore, I will rant. For your amusement.


Ah, the people everyone hate. This topic is so juicy it started raining and that's annoying me so I decided to rant about it.

Who are adored by newbies, feared by seasoned players, enemies to wise players, and annoying little buggers to experienced players? Scammers!

How to scam:

1: Type a line of text into an innocent kid's game

2: Wait for bait

3: If someone says "SCAMMER!" Don't respond. Go onto another server.

4: Take their items

5: ???

6: Profit!

Not only that, scammers are pretty much the people mining away at Animal Jam's gameplay. Behind every corner, you find a scammer. In every new land, you find a scammer. And especially on EVERY server, YOU FIND A SCAMMER.

These pests are so frequent It's like someone put a gigantic virus into your system that multiplied by eight every second. Not only that, their antics are old and overused and can really get on some people's nerves.

They break friendships for profit. They trick the new for profit. They tick off the old for profit. They ruin Animal Jam... For what? Actually, I don't know.

If taking items is all they care about, scammers may as well put a fraction of their life into creating little pixellated items and make a game like Animal Jam, then when the items become rare, use their epic admin powers to take away every single one of the player's rares.

Alright, I'm done here. Magical alicorns of doom and admiration, carry me away.

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