Animal Jam Challenges

This is where I store all my challenges, for me and for you. They range from effin easy to effin hard.

Challenge: Legendary Swimmer

Goal(s): Complete 3 Splash n' Dash games without hitting any obstacles and getting ALL of the golden hoops.


Just a fun little challenge.

Have I done it yet? Eeeenope.

Additional Challenges:
  • Do this challenge, but instead the 3 races have to be in a row

Challenge: Filthy Rich

Goal(s): Earn 100000 gems.


Obviously very rewarding. Not a lot to say, though. Wait, I know. You can use gem codes, even the 100,000 one, but ONLY if you worked to get the money for them. If it was a gift or your managed to bribe someone into buying you a gem code, they won't count.

Have I done it yet? Yuuuuup.

 Additional Challenges
  • Earn a million gems instead.
  • Donate your earned gems from this challenge only to the donation thingy in the Conservation Museum.
  • Or of course spend all your money on things from Epic Wonders then host a HUGE Fashion Show.

Challenge: Jack of All Trades

Goal(s): Earn all (AVAILABLE) achievements in Jamaa.


The Jack of All Trades is not a very rewarding challenge, however if you consider extreme pride (And the reason to have it) a prize then it's very worth it. Obviously, you're going to need some help with this one, so go here to see all the achievements and how to get them.

Have I done it yet? Oh heeeeeeecccccccck no. But I'm trying to.

Additional Challenges: None, so far.


  1. wow i see thasts true with slash and dash iv done it before i am a profesional at falling phantoms s give me your account and i waill do it for ya its only if you want to you don't have to oh one more thing falling phantoms is the game that gives you the most gems in all the gamrs really thast why i play it alot and thats how i am profesional at it i beted the record one time and then next day i think i beated it again cause i had 275 gems additional gems that was awesome and always get the corner gems that helps a lot thanks falling phantoms :p

    1. Heheh... I obsess over Falling Phantoms on a regular basis.

  2. 100,000 gem code?? ik this is a very old page, but i've never heard of this code. even so, it's probably expired anyways...

  3. This IS really old. It's 09/25/18 now.... This is sad...


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