Saturday, July 7, 2012

Some bad news and good news

Alright, which news first? The good news. What would I expect.

There are some new camouflage boots in the clothes shop.

But the bad news is that i'm leaving... For this night. I'm going to a pond (With leeches) to spend time with my... I dunno, great aunt or something? I don't keep track of that sort of stuff. Anyways, if I happen to take any pics of the pond (or ocean whatever) I may blog them!

So, I will be inactive on here and on Animal Jam. See ya later!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Temporary Pet Duplication Glitch?

When I was making my new "Bunnies" video, (Yes, i'm always up to something that includes Animal Jam) I adopted a new bunny, but when I went in my home to do a particular cut of the video (The video is made up of little bits of bunny footage from animal jam) when I tried to put the pet bunny in the den, I noticed that it said that I had it out with me, which I did.

So, I put my dog on the leash instead of the bunny, but instead of it letting me, it said that the bunny was still out!

So, I changed the dog to one of my hummingbirds, and guess what? It still said that the bunny was out! This was getting a little fishy. But another thing I noticed, when one of my pets was out, it DIDN'T say that the pet that was out, was out.

So then I got a plan. I took the pet that I currently had out into the den, and then there were TWO of that pet! Sorry of the lack of pics up until now, I didn't think of blogging this before.

Strange! The only thing, I could only duplicate my pets once.

So, after a little messing around, for some reason the glitch wouldn't work anymore. So I got rid of any pets that were on my leash, and it STILL said that the bunny was out!

Strange! I'd love to hear if you have any reports on this glitch, or just your opinion on my encounter.

Giant Crystal

Yeahuh, another piece of furniture.

I think it looks pretty cool. I might get one, but i'm trying to save up for the fantasy house, so I guess i'll get it later.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fancy Fireplace.

This time, a REALLY minor update!

Yup. A fireplace for the Fantasy House, I think. That's all! Happy jamming!

Gem Cheats

Good news, it looks like the Freedom Party will stay for more than one day! Woohoo!

This is pretty random, but i'll tell you a few easy ways to get gems.

1. Codes
How to do: Look on AJ blog and copy all working posts. Then paste it in the 'code' section on login. Shabam.

2.Games How to do: Make spare account and get your main account (The one you want to get free gems) in the same room as the spare. Have any of them invite the other to the game, make the one that didn't send the invite accept, and then make your spare quit out of the game. Free gems.

3. Jamaa Derby Whatcha do is enter Jamaa Derby, pro or normal, and just leave it in that tab and do whatever, go outside, y'know. Then you will get gems. I'm serious, leave this on overnight. YOU WILL GET TONS OF GEMS. The only downside is that you will have to listen to the music if you are still on the computer.

4.Cheat Engine I really have no idea how you do this, and I suggest you don't because that's real cheating and it could get you banned. However, if you know how it works, you could use that, but I really, really don't suggest it.

5.  Journey Book First, you make TONS OF SPARE ACCOUNTS. Then you choose a page in the Journey Book to do. Keep the first prize that you make, and then log on to another spare account. Do the journey page, get the prize, then send the prize to your main account. On your main account, recycle for gems. Repeat.

6.Another one that requires more accounts First, make a new account. Buy everything you can. Then send EVERYTHING in your inventory to your main account. In your main account, recycle your gifts.

Aren't I clever? Better cheats then YOU'LL ever think of. ;)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July! (Freedom day)

Yes, happy Fourth! I will be having vacation today, but only when it gets dark, so I can blog now!

First off, the awesome new icon! I didn't realize it until I looked in my mail...

Yup! A nice Jammer sent me a card! Unfortunately, there is not a Freedom Day card, probably because it's only one day.

ANYWAYS, there is a new Fantasy Castle! Have fun to all those who have it! *andcough afford it cough*

Also, there are new weird icons on the map!

You use them to find what you want! The butterfly and the bag are pet shops, the movie tape is movies, and the full shopping bag is shops!

And, a new addicting game! You try to dodge the phantoms, and be the last Jammer standing!

Now, i'm not too sure about YOU, but this game is addicting. Here's a pic of me dying. In first.

SO ADDICTING!!! I hope this doesn't get in the way of my blogging... *Goes back to play more* DARN IT!!!!!!!!!!!

I couldn't resist, here's another pic.

Now, I promise I won't tell you anymore of my new obsession.

Costume Corner...?
I think it's a guide on how to wear a full costume or something? And this addition was a Samurai Penguin? Anyways, cool, nonetheless. Unless you don't like Samurai.

Which reminds me, in addition to the Costume Corner, the made a new Samurai Helmet for all those Samurai Penguins!
Yup! I really don't know what to say other than it is awesome!


Yes! I don't fully know, but THIS special party will probably only be out today, so make sure to be there!
Alright folks, it is now certain that it is a fox that's coming in Jamaa! Look out for the next update, because this animal is probably no let down!

The pet contest is still being decided. What do you think it will be?

And of course, the new piece of furniture.

Most boring for last. Oh well.

Have a jammin' good time! I'd love to hear your thoughts on the new stuff, and mostly just on Falling Phantoms, but whatever! Just comment! *Goes to play more Falling Phantoms* And, PS, happy Fourth of July!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fact Sketch 1

Alright, since it is the start of my blog and all, I will do these things called 'Fact Sketches'. These just say a random fact, about ANYTHING. First sketch:

Yes. I have a horrible handwriting. No need to tell me.

As you can tell, I AM NOT GOOD AT DOING FRONT VIEWS, OR BUNNIES. But the idea was good, so I drew it anyway. Enjoy my lousy sketches, I hope it amuses you. I will add this to the comic section, even this isn't very Animal Jamy.

So, what do you think about this sketch? Other than it is horrible?

Minor Updates

Yup, My first minor update for me to blog about! Wait, it's not all that exciting....

First of all, there's a new Fourth of July item in shop! It's a Council Day Banner!

And, in Epic Wonders there is the new Silver Glove and Golden Pirate Sword! I smell scammers using the Silver Glove and pretending it's a white glove...

And of course a new Aviator Hat in the clothes shop.

And, it being the first day of July, members get a Nature Archway! It comes in  a few different themes. I have them two, so i'll show you them.

The Ice Archway
The Flowery One

I am yet to know which one is rarer, but I will spread news when I find out!

So, what do you think about all the new member items? What are you using them for? Have these special items made you get membership, because you REALLY wanted them? Just leave a comment, it makes me happy!