Saturday, March 2, 2013

I Don't Have a Clever Title For This Post

So... I finally changed the site's design. If you're wondering about those ponies, they're from MLP:FIM. At least Fluttershy is. (The yellow one.)

So anyway, rounding up all the updates from the week!

This is March's member gift. Huh, another pet? Oh well.

Didn't really have good name for my pet, so I just named it Hyperwolf. Onto the other updates...

Racoons are here! Cute art.

Hmm... They have the same special design as the foxes. I guess i'll use it, since the moons on the racoons look like fire.

Oh, and here's what a racoon's play looks like...


Brady's room has been renovated! Let's check it out.

Doesn't seem that different. But wait...



So, anyway, the hat contest has been judged. Here's the winner..

The eagle hat! Pretty cute, although it doesn't look that good on the racoon...

It probably looks better on some of the other animals, though.

Oh, and clearance items!

Yup. Both wigs are on clearance, so I would advise buying them soon.

Oh, and the cherry tree is on clearance. I'm buying it soon...


There's a new Aquamarine birthstone, supposedly for March. And I can't buy it.

New clover skirt, for March.

Huh, that's it? Oh well. I can expect more luck relating items rolling into Jamaa, so I know my work here is not done.


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Don't spam, and don't cuss too much. As for kindness...

"Be nice, remember everyone is fighting a harder battle inside."