Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fact Sketch 1

Alright, since it is the start of my blog and all, I will do these things called 'Fact Sketches'. These just say a random fact, about ANYTHING. First sketch:

Yes. I have a horrible handwriting. No need to tell me.

As you can tell, I AM NOT GOOD AT DOING FRONT VIEWS, OR BUNNIES. But the idea was good, so I drew it anyway. Enjoy my lousy sketches, I hope it amuses you. I will add this to the comic section, even this isn't very Animal Jamy.

So, what do you think about this sketch? Other than it is horrible?


  1. Lol, Skylight is cute already. I do have to admit, you aren't great at sketching.

    Which makes me wonder, who drew your wolf at the top of the page?

    1. I drew my wolf at the top page :p

      Thanks, Skylight is pretty cute. But he doesn't want to be.


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"Be nice, remember everyone is fighting a harder battle inside."