Thursday, July 19, 2012

Coral Corner is back...

Yes, Coral Corner is back! Yayz!

In case some of the newer folk don't know what Coral Corner is, it was a plant shop that was open in Beta. But now it's opened again!

...But i'm totally disappointed. Houses?

Oh well. I guess that means that my Bamboo Plant is still super-duper rare!

HA, take that, Den Shop!


  1. That's not the coral corner. It's the den shop. It's for people that buy dens!

    1. Yes, I know. cx

      Back then I thought it was Coral Corner. I wasn't in beta, so I didn't know what it looked like, so I assumed it was Coral Corner.

      ...Huge let-down. Oh well, I got my Coral Corner in the end.


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